Sunday, September 18, 2011

Squatter Settlements

                         Taken by me on Sunday at 4 P.M.
                         At Tran Suan Soan Street & Kinh Te Bridge
                        All my observations in the Journal

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Immigration & Migration (PART 2) ♥

These pictures above are the street of where I lived in, Tan Hung. This street used to empty and very quiet since there are not much people. Nevertheless, around 2009, many rich and successful people build houses here. The land (for house) may be expensive but they found the environment very healthy and the land is good for house. These people are usually foreigners or managers of great cooperations. Around 2011, more houses and companies was build because now the land is cheaper and the environment (as usual) is useful for working. After 2 years, many immigrants had open companies here. Even though this place does not had lots of people but the pull factor was its massive lands and environment that attracts people so much!

P.S. The bright picture was taken by me yesterday.

Immigration & Migration ♥

These pictures above show a huge amount of immigrations of Vietnamese from different locations. A lot of cooperations and huge companies open buildings and business here due to it amount of populations, good land (open space) and highways for communications. Especially for those who want their children to go to great school, Tan Binh is a street that contains many good schools. Another reason that many buildings are build & people lived here is since is near the Airport, it cans attracts many visitors/foreigners.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Water Cycle Song

The Water Cycle
By Nhung Le (8F)
Melody:  Skyscraper by Demi Lovato

Water floating in the ocean
Sun goes up and heats the water
It turns to gas and it evaporates (into the sky)
You can call this,
Evaporation, evapotranspiration

As the gas float around the sky
It turns to clouds
This process is called condensation-n-n
And the cloud become cold
It fall down again (as a raindrop)

The raindrop is at top of hill
Now it rolls down the hill
Running on streams
And you can call this,
surface run- off-f-f

As it floats on the lake
It fall to the underground
Infiltration is this process’s name

Then it carries the water,
all the way to the ocean
And this is call discharge.

And this is the water cycle!