Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homework for 10/24 (Development Questions)

Questions & Answers:

1.                   What physical geographic features have aided the development of the United States?
Physical geographic features had affected the development of the United States very much in many different ways. Huge rivers/lakes such as the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes had affected the people very much; these rivers are big help for trading system by ships. Trading system had become one of major successful career of exchanging in the USA - with great amount of resources; they can trade all over the world for valuable objects. Mississippi River and the Great Lakes can help fishing and provide good harbors; fishing helps the USA people who live near the rivers use as their resources. In addition, these rivers can help in agriculture (farming) – they can use them for irrigation system and watering the crops. Not only rivers can aid the United States but also features such as mountains. Mountains such as the Appalachian Mountains that extend to South. The Appalachian Mountain can support trade since it has deep-water harbor, which is helpful especially for sailors. In addition, places with rocky lands, which are mostly located in the Northeast, are very suitable and good for fishing & shipping. These areas also created many large industries such as for textile mills. The Coastal Plain is places with plain – low land that is usually helpful for farming and plantations.

2. What physical geographic features have aided the development of Vietnam?
     Ocean and rivers had become an important contributing factor that help aided the development of the United States. Rivers such as the Mekong River and a huge river at Tran Suan Soan (I do not know the name) had help Vietnam very much. The Mekong River is very important to Vietnamese – they are like the source of life. They help the people in agriculture for farming and transportation. People use this river to water crops and for irrigation systems. In addition, these people usually make rice thanks to help of the river; this make Vietnam owns the largest rice industries. Transportation in this river can happen; people use boats to transport around – carrying resources. Rivers at
Tran Suan Soan Street
are a very helpful “tool” for the people in that society. At the evening, there will be a boat for pupils to transport to their homes. Is more likely to be a “bus” on the river! This river is also use for street sellers – these people bring traditional foods from their homes and use boat to transport to here and sell it.

3. Similarities and Differences.
      The similarities are that both countries used ocean as one of big factors that help aided their countries. They both use rivers and oceans for agriculture and at the end, they make a lot of income from harvesting. Both also had plains, which are low lying land been separate from features. The differences are in the USA there are other features such as mountains that gives big help in trading system, ship harbor and transportation. In addition, these mountain ranges soon help the people to created big manufacturing industries.

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